Assassin's Creed 5: 10 Essential Features It Needs To Overhaul

5. A New Story Arc

The Assassin's Creed story has also been that of a duality; the present and the past. What was initially a great mechanic to allow us to explore these old worlds has now become more of a crutch than it needs to be. Having the ongoing story of Desmond Miles underpinning the first three games added a sense of cohesion to the experience but ultimately the out-of-Animus sections often fell flat. Black Flag attempted to reconcile this by having us take control of an employee in a games company in what has to be the most fourth wall-breaking a game has ever actually been. The problem is, the sections where we weren't in the Animus were once again pretty dull and often made no sense. It's time for a completely new story arc. The developers need to be brave enough to ditch the Animus concept, or at least the convoluted aspects surrounding it. The gameplay and story is often strong enough in isolation that we don't need something tying it together in the 'outside world'. It would also allow the writer's of the game truly unshackle themselves and perhaps we can experience something outside of the DNA of Desmond Miles.

John loves everything to do with video games, television, movies and comic books. He currently writes for WhatCulture in between fighting crime as a masked vigila....I've said too much. Follow me on twitter @amathyst87