Assassin's Creed 5: 10 Essential Features It Needs To Overhaul

4. An Overall More Polished Experience

Often with games with the scope of Assassin's Creed things get overlooked. Sometimes the bugs are barely noticeable, sometimes they're game-breaking. Now Assassin's Creed has bugs, nothing in the occupied area of Skyrim, but it has them nonetheless, which are fine when overall the game comes together to form a cohesive experience. With the latest Assassin's Creed though the game sometimes felt rushed, like it needed an extra bit of time in production to truly shine. It felt at times under-developed, as a yearly release schedule means shorter development time, and with set schedules it's not surprising that sometimes developers don't quite get to finish what they start to a perfect degree. An example of this would be Ubisoft releasing a patch after the release of Black Flag which upped the games resolution and added extra anti-aliasing to certain portions of the games assets. Whilst not a 'feature' of the game, extra development time would certainly help the experience overall and prevent anything like the above video occurring, no matter how funny it may be.

John loves everything to do with video games, television, movies and comic books. He currently writes for WhatCulture in between fighting crime as a masked vigila....I've said too much. Follow me on twitter @amathyst87