Assassin's Creed: 9 Biggest Franchise Mistakes Ubisoft Will Never Live Down

5. AC Revelations' Big New Mechanic Being The Hookblade

Assassin's creed Revelations

If you were there at the time, you'll remember the collective "That's IT?!" that reverberated around the various conference halls when AC Revelations was announced.

Yes, it was undoubtedly cool to once again play as old man Altair and an ageing Ezio, but mechanically, what was Revelations bringing to the table? Outside of a new location and some godawful tower defence minigames, what would be changing the core feel of Assassin's Creed for this Ezio trilogy finale?

A hookblade. Which an in-game character literally - and hilariously - described as "A blade... with a hook!".

It was terrible, and in practice meant that Revelations was the same game as Brotherhood, albeit with a new item that meant you could climb certain gaps slightly faster. Whoopee.

Needless to say you can point to Revelations' marketing and threadbare approach to the necessity of a sequel as the first truly negatively received comment on where Assassin's Creed was heading. From here on in, the question of "What does the new one actually do?" would stick forevermore, reframing the approach to coverage of the franchise across the board.

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