Assassin's Creed: 9 Biggest Franchise Mistakes Ubisoft Will Never Live Down

4. Losing Patrice Desilets

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I've mentioned him before, but Patrice Desilets was instrumental in creating the vision of Assassin's Creed as a franchise. He's the Hideo Kojima to its Metal Gear, the Ken Levine to its Bioshock. Basically, if he leaves, you're up sh*t creek without an Animus.

Sadly, you can tell from the various interviews that Patrice did after leaving, that the money-hungry direction Ubi wanted to take the series was not in line with his intentions. He describes being forced into situations where he was actively "lying", covering for other peoples' decisions and being forced to live by them, eventually saying that he was "not a very good liar", and that he "[couldn't] do it anymore".

Obviously, with its creative lead going through a tough time and leaving months before Brotherhood came out, you can tell Revelations and all those thereafter were a communal effort from all remaining team members, simply picking up the pieces and trying to keep going.

The reality, and you can feel this evermore in retrospect, was a creative team with no unified vision.

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