Assassin's Creed: Dynasty - 10 Things We Want To See

6. Make Assassinations One-Hit Kills

Assassins Creed Dynasty

Why this was ever changed in the first place is a complete mystery, but assassinations should always be one hit kills. Making them potentially ineffective removes the point entirely.

As you'd expect from a series named after them, assassinations have always been one of the defining moments in each title.

They're supposed to be extremely poignant moments where the protagonist finally takes the life of an enemy that they've been hunting for the past few missions. Instead, Origins reduced them to moments where Bayek might not actually even get the kill, unless his blade was the right level. Oops.

Obviously the point of doing that is to make it so that players prepare for the mission by completing side missions and levelling up, but it adds a whole new level of grinding that the series has never seen before this, and ruins a mechanic that should be really simple.

If Origins absolutely has to keep the levelling system, at the very least it has to make sure that assassinations do what they should.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.