Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer: 11 Things You Totally Missed

1. As Many Jumps As Possible (Including That Leap Of Faith) Are Real

The shot at the end, the one where we see Fassbender plummeting towards earth? It€™s actually stunt-double Damien Walters, a free-running/parkour expert who Kurzel has recruited to help out with as many real-life €˜leaps of faith€™ as possible.

You can check out some of his mind-blowing work above, and just know that if the situation wasn€™t going to outright kill him, Walters has done the stunt for real in the movie.

Fassbender confirmed in an interview with Empire (via ibTimes), too, noting €œWe€™ve got Damian Walters doing a 120-foot leap of faith, without any rope, into a bag [] it€™s pretty incredible to see.€

Yes, Michael. Yes it is!

What did you make of the trailer, and was there anything else we missed? Let us know in the comments!

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