Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 10 Reasons It's The Best In The Series
Ezio and Edward have some competition.

It's safe to say that a lot of gamers have a love-hate relationship with the Assassin's Creed franchise.
Once upon a time they were delivering us adventures with engaging stories, loveable characters and innovative gameplay. Then the yearly release schedule started taking its toll, with little innovation and too much of the same. The games got buggier, and Ubisoft started to focus more on making money than releasing a good experience.
Assassin's Creed became a joke in the gaming industry, and it was one we were tired of hearing.
2017's Origins marked a new beginning for the series, but when it was announced that Odyssey would be releasing less than a year after, people were worried the latter would just restart the cycle of Assassin's Creed going downhill all over again.
Boy, were we wrong.
Not every aspect of Odyssey lands perfectly (the massive war battles come to mind), but the final product is much more fun, much more gripping and much more filled with things to do than any Assassin's Creed so far.
10. Photo Mode Is Great Fun

Photo mode may be a relatively small feature, but the beauty of Odyssey makes it ridiculously addictive.
Photo modes seem to be the up and coming trend of this console generation. Rather than the awful trend of something like microtransactions, photo modes are almost always a fantastic addition to a game.
This is certainly true of Odyssey.
Considering the amount of love and effort that Ubisoft has put into the world of Odyssey, it's no wonder they'd want to give players a way of getting a good look at it. There are plenty of areas in the game that are truly drop-dead gorgeous, so its really the perfect game in the series to start with a photo mode.
All you have to do to verify this is go online and look at what some people have already managed to capture.
It may not be as complex as something like Spider-Man's photo mode, but it does the job nicely, and is a great step in the right direction for community features.