Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 10 Reasons It's The Best In The Series

7. Naval Combat Properly Returns

assassins creed odyssey

Let's be real here- the ship combat is the only reason people remember Black Flag so fondly.

Don't take that as a negative thing however, as the ship combat in Black Flag was absolutely incredible. Odyssey does the smartest thing it could have and finally gives ship combat the return it deserves.

Those who played Origins might remember that a few missions in that game had you playing as Aya and fighting in naval combat. It was baffling that this wasn't made into a fully-fledged feature, and all it really ended up doing is making you want to play Black Flag.

In this case, Origins was clearly just testing mechanics for Odyssey, as ship combat is back in full force.

There haven't been many changes between Black Flag and Odyssey, but that's not really a problem at all as its just as much fun now as it was when it was introduced. Roaming the seas as your crew sing shanties never gets old.

Let this be a lesson Ubisoft: Don't leave this feature out next time.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.