Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate - 10 Crucial Things It Must Learn From Unity

1. Have Far Better Quality Control

There's no way around it, Unity was released unfinished last year, and even this far on as the large patches and apologetic PR messages have ceased it's not an all-out fun experience you'd recommend like that of AC II, Brotherhood or Black Flag. The strange thing with Ubisoft is gamers are more than aware of how thin the team are stretching themselves across so many instalments so fast, and although that's born out of sales figures and giving the mass public what they want, this isn't a sports franchise - nor is the original designer Patrice Desilets even with the team any more. Ubi have so far removed the multiplayer and companion apps that denoted where certain items or rewards would be tucked away in Unity, so it does give fans hope Syndicate will be a more refined affair, but with 10 studios working on one creative vision and porting builds of the game between them, it's almost impossible to believe a unified vision can ever come together. For better or worse, what do you want Ubisoft to learn from 2014's disasterpiece?
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