Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate - 10 Things It Must Learn From Brotherhood

8. Fewer Guard Towers

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Brotherhood

As was mentioned before, Brotherhood was by no means perfect. Because Rome was so heavily fortified by Borgia supporters, the game brought in Borgia Towers - intimidating buildings which allowed the family to exert influence over an entire district of Rome.

Initially, this seemed like a good idea - it supported the idea of working your way towards Cesare and Rodrigo one step at a time. And while this is true, it doesn't mean that it was enjoyable doing so, since taking over the watchtowers became very repetitive very quickly.

It was especially irritating when the Guard Captains fled from combat - leaving you bogged down trying to take on a billion grunts while the one guy you actually needed to assassinate legged it. Plenty of towers required multiple attempts to overthrow because of this, which made things even more annoying.

So while having a few is fine, don't have loads and loads of guard towers that need to be captured in Syndicate - because they'll be taking away from the actually fun parts of the game.


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