Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Most Exciting Features From E3

10. It€™s Visually Stunning

The first thing that hits you is that it is the best looking Assassin€™s Creed game ever, and the trailers show this off time and time again. This isn€™t only apparent in the Rule The World video but in the gameplay footage as well, with intricate detail included both in the massive crowd scenes (more on those later) and the building interiors. The artwork on the inside of the dome is magnificent and you can€™t help but wonder if Ubisoft might be planning to sneak some famous imagery into the game as Easter eggs. The landscape seem to go on and on and they took great care to demonstrate this during the in-game footage, even if it was only briefly. At certain points it is difficult to differentiate between what is full-on proper gameplay footage and what was pre-rendered, such is the level of detail seen. The light and shading on the buildings looks fantastic, and the colours are vivid and vibrant. Because of the previous games in the series, this might be the first time where the differences between current-gen and the next-gen consoles can be so easily shown. With all of Paris possibly appearing in the game and a variety of distressed effects (fire, smoke, etc), there is no doubt that Unity is going to be an absolute feast for the eyes. Ubisoft have taken great care in producing what looks to be an extremely beautiful game.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.