Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Major Recurring Issues It Must Fix

2. Weighty Climbing Mechanics

Something that goes hand-in-hand with the naff traversal system deployed by just holding a couple of buttons is waiting for the animations to play out when you want nothing more than to high-tail it out of there. We've all been caught out and in need of a quick getaway only for our assassin to clamber slowly up the side of a building, elegantly placing his feet on the sides of window frames and the like, rather than scrabbling up as fast as possible. If Ubisoft put the actual speed of the animations in direct link to some button presses, with a much more weighty and momentum-based feel behind everything, it would mean that you could dart up the sides of buildings at great speed - providing you can nail the timing on each push. It would give a great learning curve to the overall experience, and separate proficient players from the beginners, hopefully removing the annoyance of being stuck whereby of being pelted with stones and objects meant a plunge back down to ground. With a new climbing system in place for Unity, we can only hope the actual 'feel' of getting up and away from danger is far more tactile than before.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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