Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Things We Can't Wait To Experience

6. Exploring Revolutionary Paris

First teased years ago in cryptic messages in previous titles, the French Revolutionary setting of AC Unity is intriguing on so many levels. By harnessing the power of next-gen, Ubisoft's development team have been able to render Paris on an almost 1:1 scale, complete with explorable interiors in lots of buildings, loads of stuff to climb with the new parkour mechanics and - for the most part - a removal of the mysterious haystacks that appear near high points as you can now climb down from a building in a much easier way. The new parkour in particular looks an absolute joy to experience. No longer will you be limited by the design of the world; you'll now be able to climb and descend at will and - hopefully - you'll spend a lot less time completely missing haystacks and splatting on the ground below instead. The setting of the French Revolution also has countless historical mission possibilities and should be a time filled with great strife for both Arno and the surrounding cast. It'll be interesting to see if the streets of Paris adapt to changes during the storyline, getting gradually more unruly as the people revolt and all the interesting happens of the French Revolution go down. There's also the massive graphical upgrades, with better movement animations, new character models, high levels of detail, atmospheric lighting and so much more going on. This looks like the kind of Assassin's Creed setting we can get behind.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.