Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 10 Secret Bosses You Must Find

8. Goneril

AC Valhalla Secret Boss

While exploring the northern marshes of Grantebridgescire you'll come across a mysterious region encircled by green lights. Interacting with the desecrated body nearby will unknowingly provoke the wrath of Goneril, which is not a suspicious ointment, as her name would suggest.

With a power level of 90, Goneril packs quite the punch in comparison to the rest of Grantebridgescire, which carries a power rating of 20.

Since the mad seer moves supernaturally fast, mobility is once again the key to winning this fight. Concentrate on weakening her by parrying all light attacks, as her vital point is on her back and next to impossible to hit.

All other attacks should be dodged, especially the spirit form she throws at you as this will knock you off your feet and reduce your mobility.

The second phase of her attacks will also have her summoning green gas in pockets around you. Stay away from these regions as they will cause your health bar to slowly deplete.

And if you're still having trouble, try learning the Brush With Death skill from the Path of the Raven, as this will slow things down and allow you to move faster than she does.


A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.