Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Trailer Review: 6 Ups & 1 Down


1. A Lack Of Any Female Involvement

Assassins Creed valhalla

No, not that way, but as pivotal pieces of the story arc.

It goes without saying that staying true to the time would mean a decrease in female leads, but at this stage of the series it might be a sour note that a lack of a woman playable character may dampen excitement amongst some fans.

Odyssey allowed us to follow the story as the powerful Kassandra, and in truth, it was a refreshing thing to see in that beyond a terrible outing prior, we hadn't seen a female lead. It would be fascinating to have a perspective on the action from someone outside of the battle field from time to time.

The Viking Invasion of Britain naturally holds its excitement in the battles, but a lack of female characters, even if as important NPC's that help guide or mean something to our lead is paramount to a balanced, deep story. Adding meaningful side characters (especially if not playable) adds a wealth of interesting avenues for the narrative to explore, and so hopefully the lack of female perspective on the action would be a shame.

Hopefully we see some diversity in the game as it progresses.


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A Self-Proclaimed Newcastle Utd aficionado. Lover of all things Sport (except rugby and golf, no-one likes those). Whether it's Wrestling, Movies, TV or Comics, you can be sure to find an impassioned Kent-based opinion here.