Assassin's Creed: Valhalla's Setting EXPLAINED

Proving Vikings CAN assassinate people.

assassins creed valhalla

With news for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla coming at a point in time where there are relatively few exciting games announced for the near future, it seems as though a fair bit of attention has been placed on it. While the franchise is a popular one, the decision to place this part of the series in the Medieval era - and to focus it on the Vikings themselves - has raised a lot of questions amongst fans and spectators.

However, a good portion of the reason that this seems like such an unusual choice is because of the reputation that Vikings have in the modern day. For example, they aren't exactly considered the most stealthy of groups - and yet, historically, they had their fair share of assassinations, such as the assassination of Saint Ludmila by two hired Viking warriors, or the (rumoured) assassination of King Godfred by his own son.

Combine this with the fact that Vikings largely invaded places via surprise ship attack, and it's clear that there's a lot of potential for this new instalment to actually mesh with its predecessors, by using the fascinating history this group and era provides us.

So, what should expect from the game itself, provided Ubisoft treat it with the same level of historical accuracy as the others?

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