Assassin's Creed: Victory - 10 Key Features That Need An Overhaul

2. Take The Modern Day Elements Seriously

Let's be honest, Desmond met his maker far too early in the series, as Ubisoft made a judgement call to relegate the focus of the tale to the parts they put the most effort into - realising specific cities from the past. That would be all well and good, but as alluded to in an earlier point in doing away with something that was a core tenet of the franchise it's alienated something that could've been remained an identifying feature of the games overall. Ubisoft need to double down on making sure AC is representative of the many miles its already travelled, if they want to push forward. With Desmond gone it leaves a plethora of questions as to the real state of the Assassins and Templars, and although plenty plot points were referred to in AC: Rogue, they need to be included in the game Ubisoft is putting their hefty PR budget behind instead.
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