Assassin's Creed: Victory - 10 Key Features That Need An Overhaul

3. The Tower-Unlock System And Map

One of the most long-in-the-tooth things that's come out of the rut Ubisoft have programmed themselves into, is the reliance on a foggy game-world slowly unlocked by procedurally going to a series of locations to reveal it. In the first AC it made a lot more sense, as you were exploring each location and gathering data for the Animus, synchronising it back to the present day to compile the world itself. It was a whole new world in more ways than one, and you felt like you were exploring it along with Desmond in the chair in the real world. Since then that mechanic has been used in everything from Far Cry to The Crew (yes, even The Crew, just drive up to the tower...) and it's become something that - although is signifying of an Ubisoft title - just isn't remotely fun to do any more. Unity was a mess of this approach to a world map, as alongside the need to pepper it full of icons to facilitate things like the companion app and 'hidden' chests, it started out being relatively full of things to potentially seek out and after a sync turned into a hilariously over-the-top amount of icons all packed into one place.
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