Assassin’s Creed: Victory - 10 Perfect Ways To Save The Franchise

2. An Interesting/Female Protagonist

Yes, there's already been a female protagonist in Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation and no, this entry isn't some feminist frequency-tuned attempt at addressing the diversity complaints stemming from last year when Ubi stated programming a female assassin would be too much work. Instead the main problem with the AC titles for years now has been a lack of interesting protagonists, Rogue's Shay Cormac offered far more in the way of grey areas when going against the grain of the Order itself, but even his tale wasn't anywhere near compelling throughout - not to mention Liberation's Aveline de Grandpré got about as much coverage as a pamphlet on Fourth Century Latin tattoos. One of the best characters so far was Freedom Cry's Adewale, as at least that gave you a compelling historically-accurate context within which to have some fun - or as much fun as you can whilst freeing slaves and building a rebellion, anyway. For all the brooding character art that always trickles out of Ubi Towers leading up to release, it's always just yet another guy in a hood looking off into the distance and begging you to take his plight seriously. Shaking this up at its core and really fleshing out what it must have been like to be a woman in these older times - not to mention homosexual - would elevate not only AC's storytelling overall, but video games as a platform to tell these sorts of tales.
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