Avengers Beta Review: 4 Ups & 6 Downs

5. Boring Mission & Objective Design

avengers game
Square Enix

So you're engaging in a lot of combat, but to what end? What mission objectives have Crystal Dynamics implemented to distract you from smashing the attack buttons?

Well... here's where the Anthem comparisons come in, as Bioware's attempt at a squad-based action game fell back on the following, too.

There's "Flick three of the same switches in a room!", "Stay and defend this point!", "Attack the higher level enemy!", "Find the object hidden in the base!" - objectives you've done a million times at this point, and many come with sludgy, "hold the button while a circular icon fills up" on-screen prompts.

Agents of Mayhem and Anthem both fell flat when it came to how you were utilising the power at your fingertips, and I have to hope more varied goals will be implemented over time.

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