Avengers Beta Review: 4 Ups & 6 Downs

4. Bland, Empty Level Layouts

avengers game
Square Enix

Speaking of levels, because every environment is designed as a combat arena that can house the launch roster and every character to be plugged in going forward, it severely restricts what's doable in each location.

I mentioned the sorts of mission goals that have been chosen, and they go part and parcel with the levels themselves. That can only mean one thing: Large, open-ended spaces with pockets of enemies and loot to stumble upon.

Occasionally you'll get a button to hold for a door or a crevice to slowly sidle through while another area loads, but this feels like a sequence of combat arenas and little more.

You'll notice random floating platforms for the grappling/flying characters and destructible walls or markings for someone like Hulk to interact with, but by definition of what's being built, these can't be the focus.

Avengers is one-part story-heavy action adventure with a PlayStation Studios vibe, one-part MMO mission design with wave-based enemies and rote squad goals.

Maybe Crystal Dynamics can satisfy both bases, but it would be a world first.

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