Avengers LEAK: Every Playable Character That Will Be Included

10. Quake

Marvel's Avengers Doctor Strange Black Panther

Another of the more obscure characters on the list is Quake, aka Daisy Johnson.

Again, if you watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, you may be more familiar with this character than most people. In the TV series, she was originally introduced as a normal human, then reintroduced as an 'inhuman' with special powers. In the third season, Daisy officially adopted the moniker of Quake.

Quake gets her name because she has the ability to create large vibrations, thus producing the effects of an earthquake. Later, with training from Nick Fury, she gains the ability to hone these abilities to such an extent that she can control where the vibrations are directed (for example, she explodes Wolverine's heart at one point!).

In the Avenger's game, these seismic abilities could bring a lot to the gameplay. Being able to cause enemies to vibrate into bits when low on health, or summoning a small, localised earthquake to wreak havoc sounds good to us. On top of that, Daisy's an excellent shot with a wide variety of firearms and kicks backside with her hand-to-hand capabilities too.

All-in-all, she's sounding like a great addition to the roster.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.