Avengers LEAK: Every Playable Character That Will Be Included

19. Falcon

Marvel's Avengers Doctor Strange Black Panther
Marvel Comics / Jesus Saiz

Look to the skies, because here comes Samuel Wilson, AKA Falcon, swooping straight into Marvel's Avengers as a future character.

One of the best friends of Captain America, Sam Wilson gets his superhero name from his Falcon wing harness that he uses for flight. In his original comic incarnation, Sam was also mentally linked to Redwing, an actual falcon which could be easily included in the game as an easter egg.

Alternatively, Redwing could be incoporated into the game as the drone we've seen in the recent Marvel movies instead. Perhaps an unlockable costume replaces the drone for a bird, or vice versa?

Unlike many other of Marvel's superheroes, Falcon is one of the most grounded (ironically, as he's able to fly!). He doesn't really have any particular superpowers other than his bird telepathy, but he is an expert tactician, uses his flight harness to great effect and also is extremely skilled in fighting with training as a martial artist, aerialist and acrobat.

It'd be really cool to see an alternative costume for Falcon too that allows him to dress up in the outfit of Captain America, as he does take over the mantle of Cap after Steve Rogers.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.