Avengers LEAK: Every Playable Character That Will Be Included

17. Hulk

We're already more than familiar with Hulk being in Marvel's Avengers. He was one of the first to be revealed at the game's initial unveiling, and we've already seen him bounding around, smashing things to tiny pieces.

You can even play as Hulk right now in the beta, should you choose. Interestingly, there are sections where you will also play as Bruce Banner not in Hulk form (apparently the big green lad doesn't like exploration that much, preferring instead to destroy everything in his path).

Hulk's a lot of fun to play; he can pick up rocks and items and chuck them at enemies, has massive, ground-pounding, smashing punch moves and can even move at exceptional speed by leaping up into the air in satisfying fashion.

Like other characters, there's plenty of customisation options available for your Hulk. Why not dress him up like a gladiator or a gangster in a pinstripe suit? You can even give him a beard for that rugged green monster look.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.