Avengers Review: 3 Ups & 8 Downs

2. Sandra Saad's Kamala Is A Standout Highlight

Avengers kamala kahn ms marvel
Square Enix

Avengers' intro - its literal opening 20 minutes - is the strongest stuff in the whole game.

Seeing a much younger Kamala attend the "A-Day" celebrations as an all-out fangirl, it's a Disneyland-channeling excuse to let any real-world fan get lost in Avengers ephemera.

Laid out like a literal theme park complete with merch booths and comics to collect, you can try and pull Thor's hammer out the ground, wear Iron Man's repulsor and fire off some shots down the targeting range.

Best of all is occasionally meeting the Avengers themselves, as this "celebrity culture" spin on meeting your heroes lands extremely well.

Giving the following action scene on the Golden Gate bridge some much-needed thematic grounding and perspective, like the rest of the story, everything is knitted together directly through Kamala. Sandra Saad's performance is so genuine; so energetically pure and sweet, you can't help but go along for the ride.

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