Avengers Video Game: 12 Essential Features It Must Have

9. Comparable Musical Score

Part of the fun in going to see a superhero movie is hearing what the composer has cooked up for you, listening to the sonic explosion that's about to rock your ears for two hours. The score is just as much of a contributing factor as anything else, as it gives the characters a further sense of identity. Alan Silvestri's score for the Avengers was one of his finest, with the actual theme for the team being a stalwart example of superhero scoring. For the interactive version of the Avengers, there absolutely needs to be some correlation between film and game. Which is where you go to someone like Jason Graves, who recently composed the music for the 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider. Certain composers do exceptionally well with heroic action scores, and Graves is definitely one of them. There's a lot of amazing things Graves could do on the Avengers game, magically working Silvestri's theme into the action going on inside the game, going one step further to make the player truly feel like a superhero.
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The Avengers
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.