Avengers Video Game: 12 Essential Features It Must Have

8. Rational Narrative Decisions

One of the things that can cause your superhero movie based tie-in game to fall off the rails is a terrible story mode, which so many games fall victim to. Often, it comes down to the game and the movie simply not connecting, with the game going off into its own weird tangent that doesn't compliment the film at all. Games like Spider-Man 3 and Superman Returns did little to enhance the story of the film, instead rattling off its own less than stellar prose, which is exactly what the Avengers game needs to avoid. Rather, the game should craft a story that serves as a companion to the film itself, with events from the film shaping how the game is played. Players should feel an active part of the ongoing cinematic saga, bringing their own unique voice to the battles at hand. The story needs a deep connection to the film itself, using that to convey another chapter of the Avengers' story within the movie.
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The Avengers
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.