Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Secrets You Need To Find

3. Owlbear Eggs And Githyanki Eggs

Baldur's Gate 3 Lady Esther
Larian Studios

Baldur's Gate 3 players will run into Lady Esther in the Mountain Pass and she will ask you to get her a Githyanki egg. As in, steal a Githyanki egg. As you can imagine, the Githyanki are not stoked about this but there are a few strategies to persuade or brute force your way into taking it anyway.

Although, if you happen to have a silver tongue and an extra egg on your hands you don’t need to jump through those hoops at all.

If you did a good job of exploring that Owlbear cave I mentioned earlier, which you should have because there is some great loot in there, you may have noticed there is an Owlbear egg in the mother’s nest. You can actually turn this egg into Lady Esther instead using one of two tactics. By passing a couple of tricky persuasion checks you can either continue her it’s the egg she wants, trick her into thinking this egg is better than the one she’s after, or convince her to trick her employers with the Owlbear egg, assuring her the deception will work.

I mean, surely one egg is just as good as any other egg.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.