Arkham Asylum really did have it all. Its gothic setting was only usurped by an amazingly suspenseful atmosphere, and its gameplay, sound and story were all perfect. Honestly, how has the series managed to lose such unanimous adulation? The answer lies in the way the stories are told, and also the environments in which they are told in. The first game set out to tell a unique and compelling Batman story, unhindered by continuity restraints or editorial derision, and it worked impeccably. Players were jettisoned into a semi-linear environment from one of Batman's most famous locales, and seeing it brought to life - more importantly - seeing it used by the villains he had incarcerated for years, made for a game unparalleled in its dedication to the license. A sense of vulnerability dominated the title's proceedings, something that felt almost absent in City and Knight. Ignoring the contrived presence of an off-site Bat-cave, this was because Bruce was up against the odds in Asylum, and that's conveyed superbly through the Joker's gruelling traps and designs. It's a difficult thing to recapture when the hero has an entire armoury in his utility belt in later titles, so it only makes sense to return to the 'Asylum formula' to rekindle the series' initial magic. An open world doesn't have to be a necessary component for all Arkham games. What is necessary however is a compelling narrative and a creative environment - without these two elements, Arkham simply isn't what it used to be. How do you want to see the Arkhamverse continue? Or do you think it should call it quits with Knight? Let us know in the comments below!