Five years, five games, three comic book series and an animated film later, the Arkham series has managed to become one of the most successful interpretations of the Bat-mythos yet. With Rocksteady having departed the saga this year however, what's next for the franchise - apart from the inevitable next video game entry of course - is anybody's guess. For a game series to spawn so many spin-offs is unusual in and of itself, but it goes to show just how diverse and innovative the Arkham brand truly is. This diversity may not have always translated to flawless literary works, or indeed, gaming sequels, but its been more than paramount to Arkham's success since its inception in 2009. The future of Arkham could be incredibly diverse, but of course we all want to see another game on the horizon, (well, those who were a fan of Warner Bros. Montréal's work on Arkham Origins, at least). Everything from fleshing out Bats' origins more, to the twilight of his years could be explored - it's just a matter of choosing how and where to go first.
10. Expand To The Justice League
Like it or not, DC is pretty much everywhere right now, and no ensemble cast of characters are more famous than the Justice League of America. Despite being one of the comic book company's foremost series, the League has found relatively little success outside of its original medium. Sure, we may have the universally acclaimed Justice League animated series to commend for its genre-defining tenure on Cartoon Network, but gaming spin-offs, films and other TV shows have fallen far below the standards once consistent with DC's name. Justice League: Heroes did in fact take a good stab at the license, but it paled in comparison to its superior Raven Software counterpart, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - even if it does remain as one of DC's best videogames to date. A truly great adaptation of the Justice League is long overdue, but given DC's latest attempts to bring all their mediums closer towards synergy, the arrival of the Justice League film may offer strong indication of where the Arkham brand will venture next. It'd be an almost ridiculous task to model all of the League's characters as well as they've done with Batman, but if all the components are handled with enough care and dedication, the prospect of a game doesn't just excite - it seems natural. After all, Rocksteady's countless allusions to a world outside of Batman couldn't have been for nothing, right?