Batman: Arkham 2017 - 8 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

3. The Return Of Poison Ivy & Black Mask

batman arkham black mask
Warner Bros.

However, with the addition of Flamingo and White Rabbit to the roster of the Arkham universe, there are a few notable names that are supposedly reappearing from Batman’s prime - Poison Ivy and Black Mask.

Beyond the fact that they rumoured to appear, nothing else is known besides that Black Mask is going to be redesigned and will appear as a woman. Whether she will remain as the canon Black Mask or a completely new version separate from the character’s previous appearances in the series, remains to be known, but the change could be somewhat beneficial.

While Black Mask didn’t receive nearly as much time on screen as previous games, considering the twist that Joker was him the whole time, a brand-new take with a gender-swapped character could be what’s needed to make their presence truly memorable. Banking on the Black Mask name and building a new version could be what leads to the new game’s standout villain.

Nothing else is really known, other than the fact that Poison Ivy is still in it. What she’ll be doing or how she’ll play into the story remains to be seen, but feel free to speculate in the comments.


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