Batman: Arkham Beyond - 10 Reasons It's The Perfect Sequel

3. A Flying Batmobile And Batsuit

Batman beyond arkham
DC Comics

In each Arkham game, Rocksteady has made it easier and easier to traverse Gotham City. With Batman Beyond, they would be able to take it one step further through the use of a flying batmobile and Batsuit.

In Arkham Knight, players got the opportunity to finally experience driving the Batmobile. The car felt like a monster to drive and taking that concept the next step further would surely be revolutionary for the franchise. Terry McGinnis' Batmobile was able to glide through the air and the thought of flying across Gotham in such a vehicle is an intriguing prospect for the next Arkham game.

Gliding has always been one of the brightest parts of the games, as the Arkham trilogy made you feel more like Batman than ever while gliding across the city. With Batman Beyond's flying Batsuit, this form of traversal would feel more exhilarating than ever.

Though a Superman game would surely have been hard to balance, flying was always one aspect that Rocksteady would have been able to do very well and adapting those flying mechanics to Batman Beyond would make travelling across Gotham feel completely new again.


I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.