Batman Arkham City 2: 10 Things We Need To See

7. Batgirl rsz_batgirl_1 For anyone that isn't familiar Batgirl is played by Commissioner Gordon's daughter, Barbara Gordon. Also for anyone familiar, Barbara Gordon goes on to become Oracle after she is shot and paralyzed by the Joker. In the first Batman game, Oracle is the main lady in your ear helping you out with your mission by giving you information relevant to the situation and just helping in any way she can. In the second game, that role is taken by Alfred, but Oracle does make an appearance when Batman is barely grasping onto life and her concern is very apparent. I'd like to see Barbara as Batgirl in this game for a few reasons. The first is that after being in the first two games, she can't just be forgotten about. With this game being a prequel, she would naturally return to her pre-paralyzed form as Batgirl, which also opens up the possibility for this incident to occur in the game as Joker is supposed to be a main anatagonist yet again. Another reason is that one of the very few times emotion is ever shown in these games is when Bruce is about to die, and Oracle is on the headset flipping out on him. Her care for Bruce is evident, and it even seems like there might be some sort of emotional attachment for him by her. Whether it's just a crush, or if there was some kind of romantic relationship, I wouldn't be against exploring it in this new game. Another thing I wouldn't be against exploring in this new game is....


22 year-old college student and amateur kickboxer. Creative/Journalistic writing major, and lover of all things UFC, WWE, comic books and video games. Follow me on Twitter/Instagram @thetonestallone