Batman Arkham City 2: 10 Ways Justice League Should Be Utilized

9. One Ring to Piss Off Batman

It€™s no big secret that Batman and Green Lantern Hal Jordan grate on each other€™s nerves. In certain iterations Batman is shown to have little respect for the way Hal uses his Green Lantern ring, believing that he himself could do much more if he had that sort of power, while Hal typically views Bats as€sort of cold, pushy and generally not much fun. Nevertheless, the time they spend together is usually rife with juicy drama as the pair invariably end up having to put their differences aside to address some crisis or other; and each time they defeat a potentially apocalyptic foe together a little more mutual respect grows. It€™s a nice reluctant buddy mechanic that works extremely well in the comic books and I see no reason why it wouldn€™t have the same effect in a new Rocksteady Batman game. Plus it€™d be a nice way for Warner Bros. to restore the GL name after their poorly received movie version.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.