Batman Arkham City 2: 10 Ways Justice League Should Be Utilized

10. We Need a Hero

Let€™s be totally honest for a second. The reason we€™ve all loved Rocksteady€™s Arkham series so far is that they€™ve made us feel like Batman. And to feel like Batman is to sample what it must feel like to be the greatest superhero that€™s ever been created by humanity. Whenever we digest Batman stories, they constantly remind us that while he is just a man, he€™s also looked up to by the DC universe €“ by fellow heroes, villains and civilians alike €“ as one of its greatest and most capable defenders. To that end, I personally believe that the best way to utilize the Justice League in Rocksteady€™s take on a shared DC Universe would be to have them all in peril at once and have Batman as the only hero left to save them. Perhaps this could tie in with an adaptation of the JLA: Tower of Babel storyline, discussed earlier; perhaps it could involve Batman having to outsmart someone like Lex Luthor instead. Whatever the case may be, I can think of no other situation that could better utilize the Justice League while simultaneously reiterating Batman€™s extreme ability than to have him best an enemy who€™s already bested the iconic team of meta-humans. That€™s enough Bat-speculation for now, I guess we€™ll just have to wait to see what develops. I imagine the Justice League€™s potential presence in Rocksteady€™s acclaimed Batman series is going to slip fans to a certain degree. Are you excited? Think this is just a desperate attempt from Warner Bros. Interactive to cross-promote an upcoming Justice League movie? Please do let us know what€™s on your bat-brain. There€™s no solid information regarding a release date for the Arkham City Sequel as yet, but there€™s speculation that Rocksteady will go for an early 2014 window. For more information on this sterling series, check out our dedicated Arkham City hub page.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.