Batman Arkham City 2: 10 Ways Justice League Should Be Utilized

4. Clash of the Tightans

There€™s one debate that often causes in-fighting amongst DC fans. Batman vs. Superman: who is victorious? And DC€™s creative heads know this all too well. That€™s why time and time again in the comic books and cartoon series the writers pit these two icons against each other. Of course there€™s got to be some catalyst to get these two stepping to each other. After all, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent have an immense level of respect for each other, even if Batman and Superman often disagree on the fundamentals of crime fighting. The solution is simple though. In 2002€™s Hush story arc, Poison Ivy took control of Superman by lacing her mind controlling spores with Kryptonite. One catalyst: check. Of course Batman is, for all intents and purposes, just a man; Superman practically a demi-God of almost infinite power. How can they possibly be evenly matched? Well my friend, Superman acts while Batman thinks. How does Batman defeat Superman without Kryptonite? Answer: Batman always has Kryptonite. Maybe the new Rocksteady game could see Batman racing to his Kryptonite supply, forced to run a frantic obstacle course through the Batcave they are unceremoniously destroyed around him by a pursuing rogue Superman.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.