Batman Arkham City 2: 10 Ways Justice League Should Be Utilized

5. You Give Love a Bat Name

This article has talked about the fact that, from certain literary perspectives, Wonder Woman onced exhibited some fairly unjustified ill will towards Batman. But as they say, you always hurt the ones you love. There have been many indications in the books that the Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince have an inherent attraction to each other. They actually dated briefly in the JLA comics and in the DC-wide Blackest Night event, she was basically shown a vision of Bruce Wayne in order to experience a moment of true love, indicating that she€™s clearly still harbouring a major belfry for the Bat. I could see Wonder Woman fitting nicely into a similar role to Catwoman€™s in Arkham City. It€™d be a nice for fans to see this relationship explored a little more in the games€™ plot but I€™m of the belief that Wonder Woman would also make an awesome playable addition to the combat challenge maps.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.