Batman Arkham City 2: 10 Ways Justice League Should Be Utilized

7. He€™s Not Worth It Man

What€™s almost as epic as a fight between Batman and Superman? A good old fashioned hand to hand scrap between Superman and Captain Marvel of course. If you ever watched the Warner Bros. animated movie Superman/Batman Public Enemies, you€™ll probably remember how potentially destructive a fight between these two could be in a built up area. If you haven€™t then check out this clip: Again there€™d need to be some sort of catalyst to get the fight started, but as you€™ve probably gleaned by now, that€™s not all that difficult to engineer in a world where things like €˜mind controlling spores€™ are a fixture. Imagine a section of the game in which Superman and Captain Marvel fought each other with Gotham City as the stage. As Batman, it€™d be up to you to get involved; to unite the League, to save architecture, to save lives. I can almost see it now: gliding across Gotham City and watching it fall under the twisting, tumbling figures of two of DC€™s most powerful heroes while trying to figure out a way to stop it. Epic€

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