Batman Arkham City 2: 10 Ways Justice League Should Be Utilized

6. I Got You Babel

is one of my clear favourite Justice League books. In it Batman has been secretly compiling data about his fellow Justice Leaguers for years: their strengths; their weaknesses; even contingencies to defeat them should they ever go rogue. Cue Ra€™s (pronounced RAY-SH) Al Ghul, who manages to gain access to these sensitive files and uses them to incapacitate the entire Justice League. It€™s a major Bat-drop for the Dark Knight who grew distant from the Justice League for a while afterwards, once he€™d helped rescue everyone of course. The recent news also indicated that the Arkham City follow up would include Batman€™s first meeting with the Clown Prince of Crime, so maybe in some way events could be molded to cast the Joker as the perpetrator of the file theft. Not only is this an epic, mythology defining storyline that really scrutinizes the depth of Batman€™s paranoia it€™d also be a neat way to answer the question: €˜If this is a prequel, then where were the Justice League in the first two games€™?

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.