Batman Arkham City Sequel: 6 Ways Rocksteady Can Evolve Gameplay

4. Gotham City Takeover: How Villains Take Over Gotham

Rocksteady has already proved that they€™re willing to bring additional heroes to challenge maps and predator challenges. Gamers were able to play as the Caped Crusader, Catwoman, Nightwing, and even Robin. Sure, this is fun and all, but whatever happened to being able to play as the Joker in the PS3 version of Arkham Asylum? Hmm, Rocksteady? Hmm? Well, the part of my brain that is engulfed in Dark Knight ideology spoke to me. Playing through Arkham City again I wondered what it would be like to roam the streets as a villain. How could Rocksteady approach this idea? Thinking about this concept deeper it suddenly hit me that not only would playable villains add another depth to the combat and predator challenges, but it could be implemented as an entire DLC pack. At the very least, the game could include one villain as an unlockable bonus. Rocksteady is definitely a studio about easter eggs and secrets, so what better to have than the ability to play as one of Batman's villains? Wham-o! Gotham City Takeover could be a separate game mode that allows players to dive into the city as one of Batman's most feared enemies. Imagine being able to select Hush as he plays through his own storyline where he attempts to takeover the city again. Stealth could play a crucial role as he sneaks into Wayne Manor, or kidnaps certain individuals to craft the perfect face. He could always just take people out in a dual-wielding rage. In the end, Batman wouldn€™t have to win. Cause let€™s face it, if Rocksteady has the stones to kill the Joker, I€™m sure they wouldn't have a problem with players able to kill the Bat. This type of content would be a massive addition to the game, but would allow for a drastic extension of its life. Each villain pack could come with their own storyline, side-missions, and challenge maps. The possibilities are endless. Click €œnext€ below to read on€

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