Batman Arkham City Sequel: 6 Ways Rocksteady Can Evolve Gameplay

3. Increased Combat Variety

After all that Detective Mode talk I'm sure you're dying to dive back into the action. Well, don't you fret. We've got plenty of ideas for adding some new depth to Batman's combat skills. Sure, Bats can counter three guys, but what about five, or eight, or ten? We all know Batman is capable of doing it, so why not let us FEEL THE POWER! Sorry, I get carried away sometimes when I talk about Batman. Rocksteady has done an excellent job of making players feel like they're the iconic bringer of justice. Seasoned veterans of the Arkham titles can wade through countless enemies with fluid combos. Yet, after multiple enemies are taken out, you'd think they'd all just rush him...right? Batman is surrounded, and instantly ten attackers rush him with the counter indicator over their heads. They€™re out for blood. Tapping the counter button, at just the right times, sends the highly amateur brawlers into a spin of chaos. Bats counters the first three attackers, then slides under the fourth. As one swings a spiked bat, his uncontrolled rage knocks down two additional enemies. Batman throws a batarang, knocking another unconscious. Throwing his cape over the fool, the goon struggles to take it off as their taser sets shocks an enemy to the ground. Pulling off the combo effectively pushes many of the attackers back, but if you start messing up the enemies take full advantage of their opportunity. Perhaps, Rocksteady could implement an additional difficulty for in-game combat with an even greater A.I system. With additional move-sets, combo attacks, and weapon implementations the combat in the next Rocksteady Bat-venture could be even greater than the last. Click €œnext€ below to read on€

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