Batman Arkham: Court Of Owls - 9 New Villains That Need To Be Included

4. Killer Moth

Batman Arkham Villains
Rocksteady/Carlos D'Anda

Granted, there are few names less intimidating than Killer Moth. However, what Drury Walker lacks in intimidation, he makes up for in gameplay potential.

Attempting to design himself as a criminal interpretation of Batman, Killer Moth takes to the streets in defence of its criminals, standing as a beacon of hope to Gotham's underworld. His arsenal of gadgets and weaponry even roughly match those of the Dark Knight, including a Mothmobile and a steel line grapple hook.

Imagine you're fighting a group of thugs down a dark alleyway in open-world Gotham only to see a shady figure with almost identical gadgetry to you leap from the rooftops and join the fray. Having Killer Moth become a recurring hazard that pops up in the open-world could make for an added level of depth that the Arkham hubs have always lacked.

However he makes the transition into the Arkham world, Killer Moth is an underrated villain that could make a big splash if done right. His interesting motive and 'anti-Batman' move set are different from anything else the franchise has done before, and would make him a stellar addition to the game's list of adversaries.


Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.