Batman Arkham: Court Of Owls - 9 New Villains That Need To Be Included

3. The Ventriloquist

Batman Arkham Villains
DC Comics

Another character we've heard referenced multiple times but never actually seen, The Ventriloquist is an unnerving villain that could make for some chilling sequences. A deranged psychopath with a multiple personality disorder, Arnold Wesker may at first seem like a timid man, but his personality changes when he puppeteers his terrifying dummy, Scarface.

Through this puppet, Wesker becomes a deranged crime boss that's a strategical mastermind and a savage killer. While the Arkham series has seen various crime lords through its four-game run, very few match the creepy nature of The Ventriloquist, making him a fresh and uniquely strange villain that would be unlike anything else the Caped Crusader has dealt with so far.

Seeing how WB Montreal interpret this character in the Arkham world will also be an absolute treat - the darker nature of the franchise's Gotham lending itself to a more disturbing interpretation of the killer.

With the Joker seemingly subbing his main villain spot to a different head honcho this time around, The Ventriloquist seems to be a perfect alternative to the crazed antics of the Clown Prince of Crime. Much like the esteemed villain, his violent outbursts and unpredictable mental state mean that he could deliver reams of darkly disturbing moments.


Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.