Batman: Arkham Insurgency - 10 Best Rumours That Must Come True

7. Change The Core Feel Of Combat

Batman Arkham City
Warner Bros.

We're coming up on almost a decade of the 'Batman combat', comprising a single attack button, a quick-press counter, a stun attack and a dodge. It's been everywhere from Sleeping Dogs to Shadow of Mordor, and although the Arkham series always did this gameplay style better than the competition, once you got good at how to process the requisite commands to counter and level opponents on cue, there was zero learning curve from front to back in everything post-Arkham Asylum.

As such, it's high-time these combat mechanics were shaken from the ground up, as the leak notes "Combat has been expanded to better accommodate 1-on-1 fights. It's still rhythm-based where you have to time all the correct button presses exactly, but it's more complicated than the attack/counter basis of the previous games."

This conjures up images of For Honor-style 'duels' with certain opponents (which certainly fits, given we'll be facing off against the fearsome Court of Owls' Talons), yet it'll probably be more frenetic and slightly button-mashy (in a good way) when you need to tackle a tough opponent through sheer strength, a la the Deathstroke fight in Origins.

Being said fight remains one of the best in the franchise, building out an entirely modified melee system comprised of more timing-based finishers and life-or-death dodges could be insanely intense.

Think about it - do you want to dominate foes every time, or would you rather earn that level of brutality by becoming a better Batman over time?

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