Batman: Arkham Insurgency - 15 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

5. Basic Combat Is Being Revamped

Batman Arkham Knight

After four games and a ton of copycats busting out the same version of the 'Batman combat', WB Montreal are finally iterating on Rocksteady's 2009 original template:

"Combat has been expanded to better accommodate 1-on-1 fights. It's still rhythm-based where you have to time all the correct button presses exactly, but it's more complicated than the attack/counter basis of the previous games."

That's certainly vague for now, but anything that hints at Batman's core combat feel getting some much-needed attention is worthwhile to hear. It's true that many a game has taken influence from FromSoftware's Dark Souls series (For Honor, Nioh, even Horizon and the new Zelda) upping difficulty and forcing you to manage your timing animations, so it'll be very interesting to see what WB Montreal do to keep us feeling empowered, whilst retaining a level of skill.

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