Batman: Arkham Insurgency - 15 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

6. Still Minimal Civilians

Batman Arkham Knight

Being the plot revolves around a mass breakout from both Arkham Asylum and Blackgate, the GCPD have apparently "blocked off a segment of Gotham where they have completely lost control."

It's said that this is "the main playable area", "populated by villains and criminals" with "a whole heap of trapped civilians that Batman and Robin will need to rescue."

Cynically - or realistically, given the history of the franchise - you can read that as "Yup, we're still not getting a version of Gotham where civilian life is properly represented".

Each Arkham game has continually came up with all manner of excuses to create an 'evacuated Gotham' narrative framework, thereby reducing the 'need' for a civilian presence and only including a minimal amount to save along the way. It does mean you don't have to worry about protecting them 24/7, but also, worryingly, means the overall 'feel' of Insurgency's Gotham may be too similar to that of what's gone before.

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