Batman: Arkham Insurgency - 15 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

9. Proper Boss Battles Are Back

Batman Arkham Knight tank boss

Arkham Knight's 'boss battles' were ruddy horrible, with the most talked-about being the terrible 'sewer tunnel fight' between Bats and the Arkham Knight - the latter driving a large tank straight out of Shredder's arsenal from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The leak I'm working off doesn't go into any detail whatsoever, save for mentioning that "there will actually be boss battles this time", acknowledging the weirdly sparse placement of them in Arkham Knight, or the fact we defeated the majority of Bats' Rogues Gallery with one button press.

Could this mean we finally get a decent followup to the Mr. Freeze fight from Arkham City? One can dream.

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