Batman: Arkham Insurgency - 15 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

8. Set In 'Coastal Area' Of Gotham' With Expanded Interiors, Wayne Manor & Batcave

batman telltale batcave

At some point it's going to feel a little daft 'revealing' parts of a huge landmass that we somehow totally missed - yet were there all along - but whatever, video games.

Regardless, we're apparently heading to a 'coastal area' of Gotham, which yes, sounds completely anathema to the forever-damp and neon-kissed ruined affluence of traditional Gotham, but it could provide the welcome respite and breath of fresh air we need from the series.

You'll also be able to dart between this sizeable area (which is similar to the three islands of Arkham Knight, according to the leak), Wayne Manor and the Batcave, though as yet, there's no comment as to whether we're revisiting the Asylum again.

There's always DLC, though.

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