Batman: Arkham Insurgency - Everything We Know So Far

10. Joker's Back (Again)

Batman arkham origins joker

Dying in the single most perfect way for that character to ever kick the bucket in Arkham City... then resurrected to be a figment of Bruce's imagination in Arkham Knight, I can't be alone in wanting to be done with the 'teeheehee'ing delights of the Joker, no?

Regardless, he's once again part of the story, as the 'Insurgency' name comes from the story in-part revolving around Joker orchestrating a breakout from both Arkham Asylum and Blackgate prison.

It's reported that Joker isn't always on the opposing side of Batman, too. In Insurgency he just wants to create as much chaos and anarchy as possible, hinting that a number of "enemy of my enemy is my friend"-style allegiance switches could be on the cards.

Batman and Joker once working together? I'll believe it when I see it.

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