Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Best Side-Missions You Need To Find

1. Riddler's Revenge When it's available: Chapter 1 Well, it was only a matter of time until Eddie Nigma reared his head, and if you thought Riddler's challenges were tough in Arkham City, you haven't seen anything yet. Riddler's side missions take every aspect of Arkham Knight's gameplay into account to craft a series of trials that will really test your mettle - making good use of Batman's snazzy new ride, you'll race through a series of tricky circuits littered with traps, pitfalls and obstacles as well as use the Batmobile's gadgets to make your way through several taxing puzzles. If you're not already comfortable with the Batmobile by now, then you better work on those skills because you'll probably be reloading a few of these segments A LOT. However, Riddler's tests wouldn't be much of an "intellectual challenge" if they all revolved around burning rubber, and to this end, Eddie's kidnapped Catwoman as a means of coercing the Dark Knight into playing along in a series of Jigsaw-inspired puzzles which make fantastic use of the dual play system. Spoiling Eddie's puzzles here would be a huge disservice, but you'll have to really put that brain to work if you expect to come out on top.. When Eddie called these trials "his masterpieces", he wasn't kidding, and as the final confrontation with Nigma is entirely dependent upon your ability to find every trophy and collectible scattered throughout Arkham Knight, it'll be a while before you take him in. So how far along in Arkham Knight are you? Have you completed any of these side missions yet, and if so - what are your favourites?

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